Multitasking on the iPad

My friend Ben hit the nail on the head. …the majority of iPhone/iPad/mobile users probably don’t even know what “multitasking” is. They can probably only think about the one application they’re running at that very moment. Multitasking to these people would mean running out of processor power and memory, not realising it’s because they have 3 apps churning away doing their thing and only noticing the impact to the experience of the one app they’re focussing on right then.
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The Apple Tablet Prediction Game

Feel free to come back here in a couple of weeks and tell me I was wrong, but my gut instinct on this whole tablet thing is that the speculation so far mostly ignores one key ingredient, and that is that Apple will be wanting to completely change the game in some area or other. That area isn’t going to be tablet computing as the only people who bought a tablet PC in the last 8 years were sales reps.
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