This site is mostly content ported away from walled garden platforms like Medium and Tumblr. I might also actually start writing on it too.

Archers Early Warning System

I made a little thing. I totally love Radio 4, but I also totally hate The Archers, so I figured I would hack together a little bot that would warn me whenever The Archers is about to spoil my day. Then I realised I'm probably not alone in hating The Archers so I made it announce its warnings on Twitter. Follow it for your own peace of mind. PS. This sketch by John Finnemore is exactly what The Archers sounds like to me.
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Dealing with Recruiter Spam

If you’re anything like me you probably get several unsolicited emails per day from black-hat recruitment consultants. If you’re like me you’ve probably tried lots of ways of dealing with this, from replying to them asking to be removed from their database to publicly calling them out on Twitter. None of this works though, they keep emailing you, and new ones pop up on a regular basis. So let’s keep a collaborative list of the companies that spam us in a format ready for dropping into a Gmail filter.
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Photo post

Glitchy panoramic photo of shop fronts

While on a recent trip to Madrid spending a lot of time in taxis, I discovered that the motion detection in the iOS 6 camera panorama mode can be tricked by pointing your iPhone out the window of a moving car with some pretty interesting results. Stuff that’s far away tends to hold together fairly sensibly, but anything closer to the camera gets chopped up in crazy ways.

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Daily Mail Safety Net

You know that feeling you get when you accidentally click on a link to an article on the Daily Mail website? You know that red mist that descends when you see that sidebar full of pictures ridiculing celebrities for having cellulite or being overweight? You know how your blood pressure goes through the roof when you accidentally read one of the comments? Well, here's a safety net for your browser. It's a Safari extension which will automatically pass any Daily Mail page you accidentally visit to Instapaper's page cleaner, which removes the sidebar and the comments and the adverts and a bunch of other distracting page cruft.
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How to Organise a Meeting

welcometotechnology Hello. Did you know that you can check somebody’s availability for a meeting slot before you book it in and expect them to be there? In iCal, click on Available Meeting Times… And it will show you this window… …which will let you know the availability of everybody in your invitee list. You can even click the “Next Available Time” button in the top right hand corner to find a slot when everyone is free.
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Google Glass

Glass, powered by Android INT. DAY. EARLY MORNING. FIRST PERSON. You wake up, put on your Google Glass and look out the window. Some graphics pop up showing today's weather. An alert pops up over the top... [in vision gfx]"Weather has unexpectedly quit, would you like to restart weather?" You walk to the kitchen and pick up a box of Frosties. [ivg] "Click here to meet lonely cougars in your area"
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Peer Fear is the Mind-Killer!

jimunwin: The fear of failure stops many people creating. But there are ways to still their trembling hand and better yet they may already be doing lots of creative things without realising. So, how can you help a potential artist over the final few hurdles to sharing their work? This story starts in a conversation with a writer friend of mine. We were talking about his currently stalled book, and then drifted onto my own novel.
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Quick and easy wireflows in OmniGraffle

1) select your whole page layout, then choose Edit->Copy As->PDF 2) paste onto your wireflows page. 3) set a fill colour of white, a one pixel border of mid grey, and optionally a drop shadow You might at this point be thinking “but Andy, now I’ve pasted it as a PDF item I can’t edit it if the design changes?!” but you’d be wrong. Double clicking the pasted PDFs lets you do a linkback edit.
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